Reinstrumentation of the Activity Stream "pocket-button" ping.
Submitted when actions are taken around the pocket button.
Does not contain any client_id
Instead uses an impression_id
Source | mozilla/gecko-dev/browser/components/pocket/pings.yaml#L8 |
First Added | 2023-10-27 00:01:35 |
Includes Client Identifier | No |
Bugs | |
Data reviews | |
Notification Emails |
No commentary for this ping, add some?
Server Knobs Configuration
Sampling Configuration Snippet | Click the button to copy a snippet for use in a Mozilla Experimenter configuration. |
BigQuery | firefox_desktop.pocket_button | Data Catalog
| firefox_desktop.pocket-button 🔒 |
| pocket_button 🔒 | STMO |
Name | Type | Expiration | Description |
pocket.button.event_action Firefox :: Pocket | string | never | The action that was taken, like "click" or... actually, it might only ever be "click".
pocket.button.event_position Firefox :: Pocket | quantity | never | 0-based index of the item on which the action was performed. Not always provided.
pocket.button.event_source Firefox :: Pocket | string | never | The source of the taken action, like "save_button", "home_button", "on_save_recs", or the like.
pocket.button.impression_id Firefox :: Pocket | uuid | never | A UUID representing this profile. This isn't client_id, nor can it be used to link to a client_id. This also means it should never be sent in a ping with a client_id.
pocket.button.model Firefox :: Pocket | string | never | A string that identifies the ML model (if any) used to generate on-save recommendations. Like "doc2vec-incremental-best-article-pubspread".
pocket.button.pocket_logged_in_status Firefox :: Pocket | boolean | never | Whether there was a logged-in Pocket account in the Pocket-Firefox integration at the point in time this action occurred.
pocket.button.profile_creation_date Firefox :: Pocket | quantity | never | The days since Jan 1, 1970 that the oldest file in the profile dir was modified. Or created. Or just the day and time of the first thing to ask for the profile age called in. Or something earlier or later than that.
You may not want to use this.
app_build glean-core 📦 | string | never | The build identifier generated by the CI system (e.g. "1234/A").
If the value was not provided through configuration,
this metric gets set to Unknown .
app_channel glean-core 📦 | string | never | The channel the application is being distributed on.
app_display_version glean-core 📦 | string | never | The user visible version string (e.g. "1.0.3").
If the value was not provided through configuration,
this metric gets set to Unknown .
architecture glean-core 📦 | string | never | The architecture of the device, (e.g. "arm", "x86").
build_date glean-core 📦 | datetime | never | The date & time the application was built.
client_id glean-core 📦 | uuid | never | A UUID uniquely identifying the client. |
device_manufacturer glean-core 📦 | string | never | The manufacturer of the device the application is running on.
Not set if the device manufacturer can't be determined (e.g. on Desktop).
device_model glean-core 📦 | string | never | The model of the device the application is running on.
On Android, this is Build.MODEL, the user-visible marketing name,
like "Pixel 2 XL".
Not set if the device model can't be determined (e.g. on Desktop).
end_time glean-core 📦 | datetime | never | The time of the end of collection of the data in the ping,
in local time and with minute precision, including timezone information.
This is also the time this ping was generated
and is likely well before ping transmission time.
experiments glean-core 📦 | string | never | Optional. A dictionary of active experiments.
first_run_date glean-core 📦 | datetime | never | The date of the first run of the application.
glean.client.annotation.experimentation_id glean-core 📦 | string | never | An experimentation identifier derived and provided by the application
for the purpose of experimentation enrollment.
glean.error.invalid_label glean-core 📦 | labeled_counter | never | Counts the number of times a metric was set with an invalid label.
The labels are the category.name identifier of the metric.