Mozilla VPN
Mozilla VPN is a VPN client application. The first Mozilla premium service.
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Application IDs
Name | Type | Expiration | Description |
android_sdk_version glean-android 📦 | string | never | The optional Android specific SDK version of the software running on this
hardware device.
app_build glean-core 📦 | string | never | The build identifier generated by the CI system (e.g. "1234/A").
If the value was not provided through configuration,
this metric gets set to Unknown .
app_channel glean-core 📦 | string | never | The channel the application is being distributed on.
app_display_version glean-core 📦 | string | never | The user visible version string (e.g. "1.0.3").
If the value was not provided through configuration,
this metric gets set to Unknown .
architecture glean-core 📦 | string | never | The architecture of the device, (e.g. "arm", "x86").
build_date glean-core 📦 | datetime | never | The date & time the application was built.
client_id glean-core 📦 | uuid | never | A UUID uniquely identifying the client. |
event | 2025-04-15 | The connection status changed to no signal.
This event is recorded in both main application and daemon.
The logic and cadence of health checks for each of these
is not the same.
A no signal event happens when the connection is showing issues,
and a silent switch will not address the issue. Or when the connection
is showing issues and there have been previous silent switches which
did not address the issue.
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event | 2025-04-15 | (iOS only) The connection status changed to pending.
This event is recorded in daemon.
Pending status is when the app is first started or when there is
no internet.
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event | 2025-04-15 | The connection status changed to stable.
This event is recorded in both main application and daemon.
The logic and cadence of health checks for each of these
is not the same.
Stable status is when the app is not in a no signal or unstable
connection state.
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event | 2025-04-15 | The connection status changed to unstable.
This event is recorded in both main application and daemon.
The logic and cadence of health checks for each of these
is not the same.
An unstable event happens when the connection is showing issues,
but silent switches may still address the issue.
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custom_distribution | never | The amount of data received through the VPN tunnel.
This metric is accumulated periodically on a 3hr interval
while the VPN is turned on.
This metric is not collected on iOS.
> Note: This metric is recorded on the vpnsession ping for
> desktop platforms and on the daemonsession ping for mobile platforms.
| |
custom_distribution | never | The amount of data sent through the VPN tunnel.
This metric is accumulated periodically on a 3hr interval
while the VPN is turned on.
This metric is not collected on iOS.
> Note: This metric is recorded on the vpnsession ping for
> desktop platforms and on the daemonsession ping for mobile platforms.
| |
counter | 2025-04-15 | Count of times that the connection health check results
in no signal.
The health check counters must not be considered as markers of time.
There is a possible situation in the health check (which calls the
telemetry) which frequently results in more than one count per second.
The situation: A health check is conducted because a network check did not
return, and milliseconds later that network check returns and another
health check is started because of the return.
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timing_distribution | 2025-04-15 | Time spent in no signal state.
Only collected on desktop for vpnsession, as mobile apps
frequently are relaunched during VPN sessions. It is
collected in daemonsession for mobile clients.
| |
counter | 2025-04-15 | (iOS only) Count of times that the connection health check is in pending.
The health check counters must not be considered as markers of time.
There is a possible situation in the health check (which calls the
telemetry) which frequently results in more than one count per second.
The situation: A health check is conducted because a network check did not
return, and milliseconds later that network check returns and another
health check is started because of the return.
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timing_distribution | 2025-04-15 | (iOS only) Time spent in pending state.
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event | 2025-06-30 | The iOS PingAnalyzer returned an error.
| |
counter | 2025-04-15 | Count of times that the connection health check succeeds.
The health check counters must not be considered as markers of time.
There is a possible situation in the health check (which calls the
telemetry) which frequently results in more than one count per second.
The situation: A health check is conducted because a network check did not
return, and milliseconds later that network check returns and another
health check is started because of the return.
| |
timing_distribution | 2025-04-15 | Time spent in stable state.
Only collected on desktop for vpnsession, as mobile apps
frequently are relaunched during VPN sessions. It is
collected in daemonsession for mobile clients.
103 additional expired, removed or hidden metrics found.