Time spent in no signal state.
Only collected on desktop for vpnsession, as mobile apps
frequently are relaunched during VPN sessions. It is
collected in daemonsession for mobile clients.
Metric of type
timing_distribution . Sent in the
daemonsession , vpnsession
Metric sampling
Not Sampled
This metric is not currently affected by any sampling configuration
and is operating based on its defaults in the metrics.yaml file
Metadata Data Sensitivity Lifetime ping First Added 2024-03-18 16:01:04 Time Unit nanosecond Bugs Data reviews Notification Emails Expires 2025-04-15
Commentary No commentary for this
add some ?
Access Application Variant release
(mozillavpn) release
(org.mozilla.firefox.vpn) release
(org.mozilla.ios.FirefoxVPN) release
Ping daemonsession vpnsession